Growing Through Play

With the right mindset, anything in life can become a learning experience.

We learn new things every day, with or without realizing it. Sometimes it’s by consulting people who are more experienced than us. Sometimes it’s by making mistakes and then reflecting on what we could have done differently. Sometimes it’s by doing research online and reading every piece of information we can find on a certain subject.

An elderly person and a child learn from one another.

We most often learn new information in a passive way. Active learning, on the other hand, requires us to interact with the information directly and figure out how to use it ourselves.

One of the best ways to practice active learning is through playing games. Games give us agency, provide a series of challenges to overcome, and help us hone the skills needed to overcome these challenges. And these skills aren’t necessarily limited to the game that taught them to us. We carry many of them with us into the real world.

A person playing a game.

For example, I grew up playing the Pokémon games, which remain some of my favorites to this day. They feature hundreds of unique creatures and attacks with names derived from often advanced vocabulary words. Learning these words helped me not only get better at the games but also develop stronger communication skills overall.

I learned so much from games that were designed solely for entertainment. How much more could I have gained from a game designed to support my personal growth?

A game focusing on overcoming real-world challenges would help its players achieve transformational change in real life. In this game, players would embark on quests that have been designed to be completed in the real world. Everyday objects would become power-ups that help them overcome the obstacles they face along the way.

Two children reading a map.

In-Formation aims to make overcoming personal challenges a playful experience. The company has developed hundreds of real-world quests to embark on. Each is designed to address a specific challenge that many people face.

Are you ready to embark on a quest of your own? Click the link below to join the waitlist.


Amy Moczydlowski


Overcoming Challenges


Rise to Meet the Challenge