Wandering the Desert in the Footsteps of Past Leadership

As I sit down to celebrate the traditional Passover rituals and recall the story of wondering through the desert after leaving the hardship of slavery in Egypt, I reflect on the hero’s journey I have chosen to embark on as an entrepreneur. This journey often requires taking risks, facing challenges, and persevering through difficult times. The startup journey can be compared to traveling through a desert, where the terrain is harsh and unforgiving, and the path is not always clear. This journey requires me to identify the resources needed to make the idea a reality, just as the Israelites traveling through the desert had to identify sources of water, food, and shelter.

A person wandering through the desert.

When I started my journey, I knew I must be prepared to face challenges and obstacles along the way. Traveling through the desert, the Israelites may have encountered sandstorms, extreme temperatures, and rough terrain. Throughout my journey as an entrepreneur, I have already encountered setbacks and financial difficulties, and I am certain I will face competition in the future. These challenges can be difficult to overcome, but with determination and resilience, I will continue moving forward.

Every day of my hero’s journey, I work hard to stay focused on the goals I have for my startup, just as the Israelites in the desert had to stay focused to reach their destination of “The Promised Land” even when following their leader was difficult. I know I must be willing to adapt and change course when necessary, just as the Israelites ended up spending 40 years in the desert. Some may think that I may need to change my route to avoid dangerous obstacles. However, overcoming these obstacles is part of the hero’s journey. When I encounter setbacks, I reflect on their cause, allowing me to adapt and eventually reach a successful outcome.

A person reflects in their journal.

On my journey, I have noticed opportunities to collaborate with others and have taken advantages of these opportunities. Just as a traveler in the desert may encounter other travelers who can offer help and support, the people who I have encountered have offered helpful insights for my journey. I have seen some of these encounters as collaboration opportunities and even a key to success, as each of these travelers empowers me with strengths to overcome any weaknesses.

A team celebrates success with a fist bump.

On this journey through the metaphorical desert, I will continue to work and lead my team as we innovate. Just as the Israelites learned to adapt and evolve to survive in a harsh environment, I will continue to be creative, take risks, and stay committed to the  vision of my startup in order to thrive.

This journey is not an easy one, but so far, despite the elements, it is incredibly rewarding. I am determined to stay focused, persevere through challenges, and remain open to collaboration. I have no doubt that in due time, I will find the way to reach my desired destination beyond the desert.

Every person is the hero of their own story, and every person has their own ambitions they choose to pursue. Each person can navigate the desert and succeed on their journey. To begin your journey, visit our website to join the waiting list.


Happy Passover,

Ariel Dagan


Prepare for Your Hero’s Journey


Defining and Achieving Success